But Lohan statement contradicted by social activist and lawyer, Bhuwan, responsible for rescuing the 40 children. Bhuwan has confirmed that Lohan wasn't even in the country when they were saved.
"She was not even in the country when this raid happened," he said. "We'll be complaining to the BBC and talking to our lawyers ... Would Lohan know where these workshops are?" Ruchira Gupta, an anti-trafficking campaigner, said: "If celebrities do it to get publicity then they are trivialising child-trafficking."
Despite initially reporting LiLo's tweet as a lie, the BBC has since released the following statement, "Lindsay Lohan has just completed filming in India for a BBC Three project on child trafficking. We would like to stress that she did not say she was present at the raid, this is a misinterpretation," the rep said. "She was merely referring to a raid that happened connected to child trafficking - the subject of the programme."
[Via: NYDailyNews]
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