Victoria Beckham May Need Urgent Surgery [Bunionectomy] Due to Years of Wearing High Heels ~ Celebrity Scope

Vitoria Beckham May Need Urgent Surgery [Bunionectomy] Due to Wearing Years of High Heels

Victoria Beckham is fond of wearing six-inch high heels to boost her modest 5'6" height frame, is now facing surgery to remove her bunions due to years of  wearing high heels.

A bunion is a localized painful swelling at the base of the big toe (the great toe). It is frequently associated with inflammation. Bunions most commonly affect women. Ballet dancers are prime candidates for bunions. Tight-fitting shoes and high heels can contribute to bunions.The treatment of bunions includes rest, a change in shoes, foot supports, medications or surgery.

A source said: 'The Beckham household is all about feet at the moment: David is having painkilling injections for bone bruising on his foot, while Victoria is in agony with her misshapen feet.'

'She is suffering from shooting pain from the bunions. Normally, she kicks off her shoes in the house, but she has been out so much recently in high heels that she is really feeling it.'

The insider claims Posh has been easing her pain with icing, coupled with exercise and corrective insoles to try and avoid surgery, the Daily Mail reports. 

'Victoria calls her feet 'the bane of my life'', but she is worried about having the operation because she fears they will compromise her ability to wear heels and ruin her stylish look.

'She puts up with the pain, but the doctor has told her she seriously needs to consider a bunionectomy or ditch the heels for a few months to let the inflammation calm down. She has not got that long to decide what to do.'

Victoria Beckham in six-inch heels

Victoria Beckham in six-inch heels

Victoria Beckham in six-inch heels

Victoria Beckham in six-inch heels

Victoria Beckham in six-inch heels

Victoria Beckham in six-inch heels